1 Thing To Know About Using GF Glaze

As a retailer of General Finishes paint products, I see it as a pleasure to use them and report my experience. This is my tale of Lamp Black Paint and Winter White Glaze. In all of my experiences, the GF glazes are the most different from other brands.
Antique Radio Cabinet Re-purpose to Liquor Cabinet
Before it can be repurposed as a liquor cabinet, it has to pass the shelf test. Will a typical bottle fit? It does perfectly!
Inspiration Piece
The image below is the goal look for the cabinet courtesy of The Glory Collective Painted Furniture, found on Pintrest.
Look How Dirty
First things first, clean it down and sand any imperfections. This loaded rag shows why it is worth taking the time to ALWAYS clean before paint. This shows one wipe and a lifetime of smoke junk. Ew!

Lamp Black Base Coat
My war with black paint is over. The first trick is using the best black paint on the planet. General Finishes Lamp Black is the smoothest toughest there is. The second trick is using a applicator sponge to apply topcoat. It’s fast and shows no application brush marks at all.
The One Big Difference Using GF Glaze Effects

A barrier coat of GF High Performance Top Coat is necessary before glazing. The barrier coat enables better work-ability of the glaze. I’ve used glazes before so I have an idea what to expect – even wrote a post about tips and tricks.
Though GF Glazes have great pigment and smooth consistency . . . they dry too fast on me. On this piece, I didn’t dawdle wiping it off. The glaze dried faster than the speed to remove it. I used dry extra thick paper towels. I am going for a slight white haze (not streaky) leaving some in the details.
As a result, seriously, the glaze behaved like stain! (This YouTube video shows the struggle). It took a sanding sponge, water spritz, and a 3M pad to get off what I wanted. Maybe the barrier top coat was too thin? Next time I’ll try using damp cloth to wipe or diluting the product first. To it’s credit, it dries to a hard finish!!!
Without and With a center stencil . . . yeah, needed it.

This piece comes fairly close the the inspiration look. It is very different from other pieces I’ve done. There was some doing getting used to achieving a more shabby look but it paid off in the end.